sagt der Papst, "sofern sie ihre Würde behalten" (sinngemäß).
Wie soll das zusammengehen, ein Schlag irgendwohin am Körper und die Würde, die nicht verloren gehen soll?
Da hat er was nicht kapiert, der Gute.
Wie froh ich bin, dass in der BRD Kinder schlagen unter Strafe steht.
Wie froh ich bin, mit keiner Religion was am Hut zu haben, wirklich.
Vielleicht hat er es ja so gement:
Beat Me Daddy Eight To The Bar
In a little honky-tonky village in Texas
There's a guy who plays the best piano by far
He can play piano any way that you like it
But the way he likes to play is eight to the bar
When he plays, it's a ball, he's the daddy of them all
Wie soll das zusammengehen, ein Schlag irgendwohin am Körper und die Würde, die nicht verloren gehen soll?
Da hat er was nicht kapiert, der Gute.
Wie froh ich bin, dass in der BRD Kinder schlagen unter Strafe steht.
Wie froh ich bin, mit keiner Religion was am Hut zu haben, wirklich.
Vielleicht hat er es ja so gement:
Beat Me Daddy Eight To The Bar
In a little honky-tonky village in Texas
There's a guy who plays the best piano by far
He can play piano any way that you like it
But the way he likes to play is eight to the bar
When he plays, it's a ball, he's the daddy of them all
The people gather around when he gets on the stand
Then when he plays, he gets a hand
Then when he plays, he gets a hand
The rhythm he beats puts the cats in a trance
Nobody there bothers to dance
But when he plays with the bass and guitar
They holler out, "Beat me Daddy, eight to the bar"
Nobody there bothers to dance
But when he plays with the bass and guitar
They holler out, "Beat me Daddy, eight to the bar"
A-plink, a-plank, a-plink-a-plank-a-plink-a-plank
A-plunkin' on the keys
A-riff, a-raff, a-riff-a-raff-a-riff-a-raff
A-riffin' out with ease
A-plunkin' on the keys
A-riff, a-raff, a-riff-a-raff-a-riff-a-raff
A-riffin' out with ease
And when he plays with the bass and guitar
They holler out, "Beat me Daddy, eight to the bar"
They holler out, "Beat me Daddy, eight to the bar"
He plays a boogie, he plays eight to the bar
The boogie-woogie, that is the way he likes to play on his piano
And we all know
That when he plays he puts them all in a trance
The cats all holler, "Hooray"
You'll hear them say, "Beat me Daddy, eight to the bar"
The boogie-woogie, that is the way he likes to play on his piano
And we all know
That when he plays he puts them all in a trance
The cats all holler, "Hooray"
You'll hear them say, "Beat me Daddy, eight to the bar"
In a little honky-tonky village in Texas
There's a guy who plays the best piano by far
When he plays with the bass and guitar
They holler, "Beat me up Daddy, beat me Daddy, eight to the bar"
There's a guy who plays the best piano by far
When he plays with the bass and guitar
They holler, "Beat me up Daddy, beat me Daddy, eight to the bar"
The people gather around when he gets up on the stand
Then when he plays, he gets a hand
The rhythm that he plays puts the cats in a trance
Nobody there ever bothers to dance
But when he plays with the bass and guitar
They holler out, "Beat me Daddy, eight to the bar"
Then when he plays, he gets a hand
The rhythm that he plays puts the cats in a trance
Nobody there ever bothers to dance
But when he plays with the bass and guitar
They holler out, "Beat me Daddy, eight to the bar"
A-plink-plink, a-plank-plank, a-plink-a-plank-a-plink-a-plank
A-plunkin' on the keys
A-riff-riff, a-raff-raff, a-riff-a-raff-a-riff-a-raff
A-riffin' out with ease
And when he plays with the bass and guitar
They holler out, "Beat me Daddy, eight to the bar"
A-plunkin' on the keys
A-riff-riff, a-raff-raff, a-riff-a-raff-a-riff-a-raff
A-riffin' out with ease
And when he plays with the bass and guitar
They holler out, "Beat me Daddy, eight to the bar"
Written in 1940 by Don Rave, with credit given to Ray McKinley. Universal Music
Nun, so charismatisch dieser Pabst auch sein mag, so menschen- und kinderfreundlich, so sozial engagiert, indem er kleine Mädchen, die zur Zwangsprostitution gebracht wurden, segnet und mit ihnen Träne vergießt - er verkörpert ein System, das in all den Jahrhunderten überholt wurde, ein patriachaisches System. Geburtenkontrolle würde diese Zustände verhindern, aber dazu kann sich die Kirche bis heute nicht durchringen. So entstehen Prüfungen für die Frauen, die sie dem Himmelreich näher bringen, nur gibt es keine 21 Jungmänner.
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